Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations

1.)  Briefly describe both civilizations:
     a.) Minoan
Minoan Art
          The Minoans were a very peaceful group of people.  They worshiped a mother goddess who protected animals, fish, and plants, and they conducted their religious rituals outside and in caves.  The Minoans had portable bathtubs, flushing toilets, and an advanced underground drainage system.  They did not make weapons with their metal, and instead focused on creating jewelry and tools.  Another example of how peace-loving the Minoans were is that they had no locks our walls around their castles.  Someone could easily just walk in and murder the whole royal family.  The Minoans also had beautiful paintings and painted on their palace walls and their pottery. This civilization had a type of writing called Linear A, but it has not yet been translated. 
      b.) Mycenaean
             In contrast to the Minoans, the Mycenaean civilization was much more war-like.  They worshiped the same mother goddess, but not only did she protect animals - she protected human warriors, too.  The Mycenaeans used their metals to produce weapons and armour, and their palaces were used as military bases and centers of defense.  Like the Minoans, the Mycenaeans also had an advanced pipe system, but they did not develop flushable toilets, and their bathtubs were attached to the walls and the ground.  The Mycenaean civilization also painted their pottery, but they did not have as many colors as the Minoans.  They had a type of writing called Linear B, which has been translated.
Mycenaean Pottery

2.)  What aspects of both civilizations would you expect to survive in later periods of Greek history?

          I would expect that the drainage systems and the art of both civilizations would survive in later periods of Greek history.  Both civilizations, especially the Minoans, had such good pipes that I believe it would have been a big mistake of other groups of people not to copy them.  Also, I believe that art lasts for long periods of time because everyone admires it, and that civilizations coming after the Minoans and Mycenaeans might replicate their styles in their own art.  

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