1.) What did you learn?
This quarter, I learned so much about archaeology, people of of the past, and many other things. I now know how to excavate a site - I never knew that there were so many different steps and rules that you have to keep in mind, and that you have to keep track of everything so carefully. I learned about cultural and scientific dating, and all the ways to date artifacts, I learned a little bit about how people a long time ago lived, and how fossils are created.2.) What did you find most interesting?
I thought that the Otzi presentations we did at the beginning of the year were the most interesting. They gave me a greater insight as to what kind of lifestyle people in the Copper Age might have followed, and it was just interesting to listen to other people's views about what might have happened to Otzi. It also showed me about the decisions, interpretations, and difficulties that archaeologists and historians must face in order to make decisions about the past.
3.) What learning skills were you able to practice and have?
I was able to practice my note-taking skills A LOT! Looking back, I guess my notes were semi-organized, but that I could have done better. I definitely used sub-titles, but I never used colors, which could probably have been pretty helpful.
I think that I was also able to practice my studying skills, which are pretty useful skills to have. I tried not to put off studying, so I studied my notes one day, a sheet the next, a different sheet later on...I'm glad that I studied, because if I hadn't, I probably would have gotten a 3 on our test.
4.) What did you learn about yourself?
I learned about what kind of studier I am. I can't study for about fifteen minutes, go do something else, and then study again, like some people do. I have to study for a long time without stopping or I can't concentrate. Later, I can review, but I can't just study, stop, study, stop.
All in all, I thought that this quarter was a good start to my Humanities year.